EZDAEMON and Moe collaboration work of Droid Anime action game appeared!
EZDAEMON and Moe collaboration work of Droid " MOE DROID RUN & JUMP ACTION!! " appeared!
Aim the goal using Droid character as "Moka-chan" and "Anri-chan" Moe
It's clear the stage type side-scrolling jump action game.
The net ranking correspondence, can be competitive scores of other players and the stage!
● Simple operation, anyone can play immediately.
● fluffy will Susumo by properly using jump double jump and Anri-chan of Moka-chan!
● ··· be some required scene cooperation with two people of Moka-chan and Anri-chan?
● initially start from a simple stage! It will become increasingly difficult!
● given a rank by score earned in each stage. Ziel! All stages S rank!
● given a grade to a player from the evaluation of the stage you have ever played! Ziel! "Judan"!
● once Played stage can be any number of times re-challenge! Also will Nerao further high score by playing many times!
Difficulty ● it is also possible to Nante give the difference to other players to clear the stage instead of increasing day!
● Let's further Moriagaro in character voice of "Moka-chan" and "Anri-chan!"
Characters Illustration:
Miyako Kashiwa
Character voice:
Konya Moka: Ayatsuki Nene
Hanasesaki Anri: Mitsubachi Yuki
・ World 7 天空の城ステージを追加しました・それに伴う段位システムの修正を行いました・ツイッター連携を修正しました・バックキーでアプリ終了するように修正しました
Eine Ursprungsgeschichte, die ich nicht erwartet hatte, die ich aber definitiv brauchte.
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